Corrugated Pipe for Power Cables Buried Ground standard JIS C 3653:1994
1. Scope :
This Annex specifies corrugated pipe to be used for protection of power cables buried in the ground (hereafter reffed to as “pipe”). Informative reference: The pipe also called FEP.
2. Performance :
2.1 Compressive strength: when the compressive strength test is carried outdoor diameter in accordance with manufacture’s name or abbreviation. The relative deflection of the outside diameter calculated from the formula given below shall not exceed 3.5%, and no crack or fracture shall appear at any part.
2.2 Flame retardance: when a pipe marked with “self flame-reterdance” is tested in accordance with year and month of manufacture of their abbreviation, the flame shall go off naturally.
3. Construction: The construction of pipes shall be as follows:
(1) When the section of a pipe cut perpendicular to the pipe axis is projected, the projection shall be circular.
(2) The pipe shall be smooth on inside and outside surfaces, and be free from determental scratch, crack and any other defects wich will damage the covering of cable.
(3) The pipe shall be corrugated one.
4. Material: The material shall be principally composed of synthetic resin materials of good quality such as the polyethylene moulding moulding materials specified in JIS K 6922-1:2004 the polyvinyl chloride resins specified in JIS K 6720 or the polypropylene moulding materials specified in JIS K 6921-1.
5. Tests
5.1 Compressive strength test: The compressive strength test shall be carried out as follows:
(1) Cut out specimen of 250mm in length from the product.
(2) Prepared the testing device illustrated in Annex 1 fig.1.
(3) Maintain the specimen and the testing device at a temperature (20±2)ºC for 2h, then carry outside diameter the test at that temperature.
(4) Bite the specimen with two flat steel plates, and apply the compressive load given by moving plate perpendicular to the pie axis at a rate of 20mm per minute.
sources : JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Installation methods of power cables buried ground JIS C 3653:1994
uploaded by : Andreas PT Shuanglin Pipe Indonesia